No Matches

status codecov

Bind callback functions to OS signals in C and C++.


SigFn has the following requirements:

  • C++11
  • CMake >= 3.10


SigFn can be built in a few steps using cmake.

CMake Configuration and Build

A standard build will provide the shared and static libraries:

cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

A few optional flags can be specified in the configuration:

  • SIGFN_TESTS: Build unit tests
  • SIGFN_COVER: Evaluate code coverage(requires SIGFN_TESTS, not supported on Windows)
  • SIGFN_EXAMPLES: Build SigFn C and C++ examples
  • SIGFN_DOCS: Build documentation using DOXYGEN

Running Unit Tests

The unit tests can be built and run using the following commands:

cmake -S . -B build -DSIGFN_TESTS=ON
cmake --build build
cd build
ctest -C Debug


SigFn provides sigfn.h and sigfn.hpp for usage with C and C++, respectively.


Basic SigFn usage in C. It is copied from pause.c in the examples directory.

#include <sigfn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
// signal number to wait for
const int signum = SIGINT;
// used to store signum
int received;
// notify user that the program is "paused"
puts("Paused. Press Ctrl+C to exit.");
// pause main thread execution until SIGINT is received
sigfn_wait(&signum, 1, &received);
// notify user that flag was set and exit cleanly
printf("\nReceived signal: %d\n", received);
return 0;
SigFn C interface.
DLL_EXPORT int sigfn_wait(const int *signums, size_t count, int *received)
wait for any of the specified signals


Basic SigFn usage in C++. It is copied from pause.cpp in the examples directory.

#include <sigfn.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
// notify user that the program is "paused"
std::cout << "Paused. Press Ctrl+C to exit." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "Received signal: SIGINT" << std::endl;
return 0;
DLL_EXPORT int wait(std::initializer_list< int > signums)
wait for any signal in the list
SigFn C++ interface.